In a month's time, I will have to decide whether or not to become a WAHW.
I am having mixed emotions as I type this post - partly excited, partly scared, partly relieved. I feel that 5 years is enough. I was able to work my way up the corporate ladder - from a shy Administrative Assistant for the HR Director in 2004, I got transferred to HR Operations pioneering the corporate site in 2005, a year later, I was promoted to HR Officer, and a year after that I was again promoted to Senior HR Officer (Assoc Manager). I got the highest performance appraisal rating for 2 years in a row.
Here are some of the pictures taken from years of hard work in this company...
1. The cute and shy AA

2. The original RCBC-CVG1 Team

3. My first own team ever

4. The team that grew this big - my CVG1 Team in 2008

5. As part of the HR Management Team

Although I was very much disappointed when my promotion was declined several times by several people for reasons that they don't clearly say, I have learned to become numb about it and decided to just go on with my work even without the promotion. Honestly, I am no longer thrilled about being promoted because I just know that this work is not something that I really enjoy doing. I have far better plans for myself than just sitting in the office for long hours, trying to please and impress everyone.
I have posted 6 questions in n@w, the online community for newlyweds, on being a work at home mom (wahm) or work at home wife (wahw). Those who were very kind to reply gave me bits and pieces of their experiences of having a home-based career. All of them were positive about it and I learned that it shouldn't be that scary at all. But still, I am scared - scared of how my family and my husband's family will react on my early retirement, scared of the financial impact of this decision, scared that I might not be successful, scared that I might get bored, etc...
Although I am just about 85% sure that I am doing the right thing, I know that I really should do it. Why? Because I want to live my life the way I know I should. I want to do the things that I have been putting off for the longest time - like studying make-up, baking, sewing, photography, etc. I know, I know. Some might say these are just for the rich - for those who can afford to do the things they want.
But isn't it the way life should be lived? By doing the things you enjoy doing, and by being with the ones who make you happy? I no longer enjoy what I do at work, and I would rather spend time with family and friends than most people at work - so why not leave?
I have read an article in a magazine months ago, about a woman who was diagnosed to have breast cancer. Since she had to undergo treatment, she needed to leave her work. In her free time, she was able to re-discover her passions - she found time to bake, paint and plant flowers in her garden. She was also able to spend quality time with her kids and her husband, who were very supportive of her. She is now in remission. I remember something about having to "
stop and smell the flowers" in that article. That article served as an eye-opener for me. I don't want to wake up one day asking myself, "what did I do in the past 30 or so years of my life?", only to find out that most of my life, I have been in the office, trying to please the people who do not even care about me as a person. I do not want to wait for something as bad as having a terminal illness before I stop and smell the flowers.
There's a question that's always asked at the start of the business preview of one of the network marketing business that my husband and I are part of, "if time and money were not so limited, what would you do differently?" I don't have nothing against being employed, some people really get a kick out of the perks and the stable income of being an employee. But as I worked my way up the ladder, I realized that the higher you go, the lonelier you become. Sure, you will be paid higher, but this is in exchange of the pressure and demands of your work, as well as the enormous responsibilities you are given. There will be lesser friends at the top, fewer people who care. At the end of the day, it is ourselves, and our families, that matter - so why not spend most of my waking time doing the things I love and being with the people who matter to me?
So help me God... :)