March 17, 2009


Where was I?

I haven't been able to blog lately. A lot of things have happened and I didn't have time or energy to post them here. But now that I finally have nothing else to do, I will be sharing with you what I have been up to these past few weeks.

1. I changed OB. Yes - I went to Dra. Chiaoling Sua-Lao, a Reproductive Endocrinology expert recommended by a n@w sis. I had a total of 3 meetings with her. The first visit was last March 3, followed by March 10 (with Kristian), then March 12(with Kristian again). She said that based on my ultrasound and other previous tests, I don't have ovulation/fertility problems. She is suspecting immunologic problems as the reasons for my recurrent pregnancy losses (I had 2 MCs last year). She had me undergo a series of tests - hormones and immunology profile. I had the prolactin/rubella/serum insulin test at Asiatic in Broadway Ave, QC. I have yet to know the results. The next set of test - immunology profile is quite expensive - a total of P13K. Kristian and I are still saving up on these tests which will be done in Dr. Ed Lim's clinic in TM Kalaw Ave. The final test is for the killer cells, which, accdg to Dra. Chiaoling is the most expensive to treat. The test will be done in the US, to be paid in USD560 + P5K shipping cost. Whoa! Although I do not have any problem with my previous OB who was recommended by my SIL, I just felt that I needed to consult an expert on RPL problems, which explains the switch.

I will be posting more details on these tests soon.

2. I got sick. Ever heard of Costochondritis? It is a condition that causes chest pain due to inflammation of the cartilage and bones in the chest wall, accdg to I nearly collapsed/fainted last March 11 while attending novena mass. I experienced hyperventilation and chest pain and dizziness. I was on SL for the next 2 days. I went to St. Luke's ER the following day, and was advised not to do anything stressful. However, I only found out about the Constochondritis thing Saturday, when my mom forced me to see a Cardiologist. I also found out that the medicines given to me in the ER were wrong - one has an effect of a sleeping pill/sedative, while the other belongs to the aspirin family, which I am allergic to! What the..!

3. I met and lost Tweety aka Santina aka Annie. She is a darling kitten whom we adopted but eventually lost a week after. More on her in my next blogs. I really miss her.

4. A good mix of these things: Still contemplating on WAHW-hood. Looking for online money-making opportunities. Looking for a really efficient DSL provider. Looking for a day job (Day Job = Normal Life). Rediscovering my passions. Thinking of ways to invest and earn from a small capital. Worrying about future finances.

That's it for now. I will be posting more in the next few days. :)


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