8 Things I'm Looking Forward to:
1. Going home tonight to browse my newly bought magazines and put this flu to rest
2. Spending the weekend with my family and my cats
3. A nice, long, relaxing massage
4. A visit to Dra Aleta for my Immunologic problems
5. A dinner and movie date with my husband
6. A healthy, full-term pregnancy with a healthy baby or twins afterwards
7. Becoming a more active blogger with a high page rank for all my blogs
8. Becoming a WAHW - and soon a WAHM
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Nursed my flu
2. Danced with Popop
3. Fed Tweety
4. Took silly quizzes on Facebook
5. Slept
6. Watched the TV
7. Had a cookies and coffee session with my husband
8. Had home cooked dinner courtesy of my husband
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Have weekly badminton sessions with my husband
2. Join the marathon
3. Take another trip abroad this year or early next year
4. Buy the Vivienne Tam Limited Edition HP Mini Laptop
5. Bake
6. Study make-up
7. Take photography lessons
8. Get pregnant to full term and deliver a healthy baby or twins
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