This is dedicated to the man I love. It's been a year already. How quickly time flies when you are having fun! As we celebrate our first year as man and wife, and our 112th month as a couple, let me tell you why I feel so blessed that I have you as my husband, and why I love you more as each day comes (in no particular order).
*you and i share the same wavelength and sense of humor
*you make me feel safe and secure when things get rough
*you let me be me - crazy and all, and you are crazy too!
*you love popop, all my other cats, my family and our other pets
*you're a videoke diva (divo?) too, just like me!
*you make difficult things seem so easy
*you kiss me when you wake up in the middle of the night to make wiwi then kiss me again before you go back to sleep
*you have solid plans for us and for our future family
*you have a lot of creative date ideas
*you're a better cook than me
*you do your share of the household chores so well with no complaints
*you have really good taste in the ladies' department - clothes, bags, shoes... a perfect shopping buddy!
*you're so good in math and almost everything! whiz kid! no wonder you got me as your wife! hehehe :)
*your embrace takes all my worries away
When I said I love you, I meant I love you forever. Thank you for loving me more and more each day. And though I know that there will be tough times for us, I believe that our love will help us overcome everything. Here's to more years of love and hopefully, a baby this year for us! I love you Mahal. :)
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